......................................................Tropicalglen.com - Playa Cofi Jukebox, LLC
.The Rules
..Regarding Our Providing Free Music
In exchange for a Statutory License under the Federal Copyright Act that allows us to play a wide variety of music by many, many artists, we must abide by the following rules that affect the way our site works:
Non-Interactive Operation -
We cannot:
.....Allow users to choose individual songs
.....Provide skip ahead or back buttons, or song select scroll bars
.....Provide user specified playlists
.....Provide featured artist playlists
No Prior Notice -
We cannot let users know what song(s) will play next or in the near future.
Attribution -
As the music plays we must provide text describing the songs's Artist - Title - and Source (Album Title).
Long Play Programming -
We strive to broadcast long-play programs to limit the number of times an artist or song
will play in a three hour period.
Think of our site as a bunch of radio stations.
If you don't like what you are listening to,
you can change channels or switch programs anytime you like
and know what type of music you will receive.
You can also restart the random song selection process
at any time by refreshing the screen.
However, you cannot choose - or even know -
what songs will play at any particular time.

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